Friday, June 29, 2012

Elisa's 3rd Kyu Testing

6/29/2012, a little bit after 7pm, Elisa Greene began her testing for Ed Parker's Kenpo.  Testing started with basics such as punches, kicks, spin kick, jump kicks and combinations. Elisa exemplified perfection in her form, posture and chambers. After the water break, testing continued with all forms, again, Ms. Greene went through forms with 110% knowledge and confidence. Testing continued with techniques. The techniques were executed with perfection and the knowledge of the attacks and explanation of techniques was more than 110%.  I am very proud of Elisa for her determination, her heart, and her love of martial arts which was very evident during testing. The testing was very exhausting and it lasted about 2 and a half hours nonstop.  There is no doubt in my mind that Elisa Greene will be an excellent Ed Parker's Kenpo instructor.

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