Sunday, August 19, 2012

Another great day at my favorite lake, Lake Oswego.

We arrived at the lake around 10:30 am so we picked our favorite picnic spot near the water under the cedar trees  As soon as we set up we heard thundering noises in the sky and at first thought it was thunder. The noises got closer and we noticed three F16 Fighter Jets which were obviously on training missions. What an awesome sight - we had a front row view sitting in lawn chairs looking at fighter jets going through drills. It went on for about 2 and a half hours while the picnic area was filling up with people.

As they enjoyed the training, Mallori and Kathy were enjoying cedar water practically by themselves except for a few people - the water was a bit chilly today.  I went on a quest for small pygmie pines which only grown in the state of NJ, to try to dig one up to try to plant it at home. While I was gone the girls went turtle hunting and caught a tiny paint turtle. While I was hunting for the pines I noticed a lot of mushrooms and gathered some up to educate the girls about which were edible or not.  On my quest I ran across some cute little green and brown frogs in a puddle. I got back with two mushrooms and told everyone about them then Heide and Kathy went on a 40 minute quest of their own to look for frogs and mushrooms. After what might have been a lunch break or to refuel the jets came back flying much lower and closer.  I felt the vibrations from the jet engines.  Then I looked down the walking path and I see Heide coming pack with a big Ziploc bag full of mushrooms.  We studied them on the table to see which might be edible or not. It was an awesome day and we were thankful for the free airshow and for studying botanical and zoological biology as well as spending time with great friends Mike and Lori and their daughter Mallori.

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